Sunday, February 21, 2016

A Commissioner who will not bow to political pressure - Support KDMC Commissioner E Ravindran!!

citizen's support overcomes all political pressure!! 

Kalyan Dombivli Municipal Corporation (KDMC) is all set to move ahead with the road widening work which will free Kalyan station of traffic.

However, the issue has become a battleground for E Ravindran, commissioner, KDMC who is going ahead with the job without paying any heed to political pressure. This decision has made him a favorite among the citizens of the twin cities.

The road near Kalyan (West) station has been a choc-a-bloc due to illegal hawkers encroaching the road. But all that is is bound to change with the road widening work which means the civic body will remove the illegal hawkers. Also, 311 shops in the area will be affected by this move.

The same happened in Dombivli illegal constructions near the station!!

Fellow men we are in the path of progress!!

Let's support E Ravindran IAS!!

One of the shops on the road is run by a minister's relative and this is believed to have started rumours regarding Ravindran's transfers. Allaying these rumours Ravindran said, "I have not received any transfer orders yet."

The rumour failed to stop the commissioner from going ahead with his decision. Also, his act of fearlessness has garnered support from the residents of the twin cities. "Whether it is illegal construction, road widening or dumping ground issue, this commissioner is doing what he can to resolve issues plaguing the city. One can say he is the best commissioner after T Chandrashekhar," said Nikhil Budhkar, a resident of Kalyan.

He added that Kalyan needs such a commissioner in order to become a 'Smart City'.

Another resident, Drishti Mane believes this move will help decongest traffic from Shivaji Chowk to Kalyan station. "The footpaths adjoining the roads are encroached by hawkers and shopkeepers, making it difficult for people not only to drive on the street but also to walk on the footpath," said Mane.

Dombivli resident Rajan Mukadam who staged a Nagada aandolan demanding an IAS officer as the KDMC commissioner also shares the same opinion.

He said, "It is after eight years that KDMC commissioner is an IAS officer and the wait has sufficed. We need such people to carry the good work that needs to be done in the city."

Bravo Mr. Commissioner!!

कल्याण- डोंबिवली पालिकेचे आयुक्त ई. रवींद्रन यांनी शहर परिसरात विकासाची कामे धडाक्याने हाती घेतली आहेत. पालिकेतील निविदेतील साखळी पद्धत मोडून काढली आहे. रवींद्रन यांच्या कामावर खूश झालेल्या शहरवासीयांना काही व्यापारी, राजकीय मंडळी आयुक्तांची शासनस्तरावर बदली करण्यासाठी प्रयत्नशील असल्याची कुणकुण लागली आहे. त्यामुळे संतप्त झालेल्या रहिवाशांनी कोणत्याही परिस्थितीत शासनाने आयुक्तांची बदली करू नये, यासाठी रेल्वे स्थानक परिसर, शहराच्या विविध भागात सह्यांची मोहीम सुरू केली आहे. आयुक्तांनी आपली बदली होणार नाही, असे स्पष्टीकरण दिले असले तरी रहिवासी त्यावर विश्वास ठेवण्यास तयार नाहीत. त्यामुळे कल्याणसह महापालिकेच्या परिसरातील नागरिकांनी आयुक्तांच्या पाठीशी खंबीरपणे उभे राहण्याचे ठरविले आहे.

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