Sunday, February 21, 2016

Support our Municipal commissioner

Let’s Support Honest Govt Officers  for our own betterment!!

India is the largest democracy in the world. But today, because of the evil attitude of politicians, government servants and corporators, there is corruption everywhere. The greedy businessmen also add woes to the public by supporting them. Though this evil triangle has caused humiliation to India on the world stage, there are some honest government officers, like E. Ravindran IAS the Commissioner of Kalyan - Dombivli Municipal Corporation. Since he took charge in September 2015, he has been a nightmare to the corrupt. Reduction of corruption by 40% since he took charge is the example of her honesty and duty consciousness. If she remains in her post for the full term, she will certainly uproot corruption in KDMC.

Before him KDMC just believed in milking the residents which has directly translated into increase in our property tax. Tenders were given for development works but it was only an oppotunity for the corrupt to get commission and corruption. Similarly, in many places, tenders have been invited to lay BS slabs twice in a year and money has been laundered. It is no secret that builders ignore all rules while building flats and that corporation officers are hand in glove with them. The drainage system of the city has been suspended long ago and now nobody is interested in completing it. Every year it will be repaired not for any public good but a way to amass and loot public money for many corrupt officers and politicians!! Do we not want a change??? Are we satisfied with the present state of things here???? If not it is time to stand and stand behind our commissioner!!

It is every citizen’s right to have a corruption free country and it is our duty to support such honest officers. Therefore we should join hands to oppose all efforts to transfer him before his term and see that he remains in his post for the full term. In this regard, Let's all look forward and support in making Kalayan - Dombivli a better place to live and KDMC free of corruption.

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